CCTV live monitoring


Closed-circuit television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. CCTV is applied to those used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, residences, commercial assets, construction sites, factories, warehouses, vacant properties, mobile towers, retail enterprises, parking lots, jewellery shops etc. Nowadays many institutions are implementing CCTV system to monitor the chance of any thefts and other events, but it is not monitored properly. We offer CCTV live Monitoring and live reporting services for you to ensure on-site security and safety.


1. Emergency/ weekly reporting 
2. Added protection for people and property 
3. Visual verification of what is happening on site 
4. Footage can be used as an evidence in legal proceedings 
5. Additional peace of mind for property and business owners 
6. Flexible billing options: Monthly/ Quarterly/ Half-yearly/ Yearly billing