Competitive Exam


  • Exam notifications
  • Do mock exam
  • Self training & its results
  • Share applications
Features of Competitive exam

 Exams Notifications

Upcoming Exams Notifications

Candidates can easily find the upcoming notifications.
Each notifications have Mock exam,Self practice Audio and video tutorials.

Past Exams Notifications

Easily filter the past exams here.
For future reference, completed notification are available from past exams.
Easily find the questions or question paper.
Past Exams Notifications

Mock Exams

Mock Exams

It is similar like exam.
All the relevant syllabus and exam hours are original exam.
Candidate can try the mock exam and get the result.
It is more useful for real candidate.

Self Training & its Reports

It is self learning method. Candidate can choose his relevant subject and start the exam.
He/she continue the self practice till all the answers are learn.
Finally his performance report is shown for his reference.
Self Training | Reports